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Büro Hartmann & Kollegen
Büro Hartmann & Kollegen

We call our Insurance experts
"The Büro Hartmann family"

Ralf Hartmann Experte für betriebliche Altersvorsorge Unternehmerversorgung Social-Benefits §100EStG Gewerbeversicherung Cyberversicherung Industrieversicherung Anwalts- und Notarversicherung Anlageberatung Schadensregulierung betriebliche Krankenversicherung bKV
Ralf Hartmann

Insurance Expert, MBA
Cyber-Security insurance expert,
Social-Benefits consultant, permit for saving plan consulting, Private and Industry insurance concepts. DANV (lawyer and notary insurance).
Experte für Privatkunden KFZ-Versicherung Autoversicherung Krankenversicherung Zahnversicherung Pflegeversicherung Leistungsabrechnung
Marco Spasic

Insurance and finance clerk (IHK), Expert for Private insurance and Damage claims. 

Fokus on Health Insurance concepts for publicly insured customers.

Fokus on Car Insurance.

Bürokaufleute professionelles Sekretariat mehrsprachig englisch deutsch

Our office clerks take care of your wishes and carefully answer every call while we are in the appointment. This is why the picture is symbolic. You will then receive a call back with a suitable solution straight away

Jürgen Günther
Sales manager and supporter.
He has been supporting us for many years, especially during the high season, but also all year round in the event of problems.
Automatisierungshilfe Kundenservice Ticketsystem
Our Robbi

Sometimes we not available.  Our Robbi is always there for you, often invisibly, organizes a lot in the background, looks after our chat and  more!

Ausbildung für Kauffrau und Kaufmann (m/w/d) für Versicherung und Finanzen
Professional Training (m/w/d)

We are again looking for a trainee for next September. You will also find further job offers below. You can apply here in just a few minutes.

Experte für gesetzliche Krankenversicherung Krankenkasse BIG Kooperationen
Stephan Timper
Expert for statutory health insurance and our support for memberships with BIG Krankenkasse.
Expertin für Firmenkundengeschäft Sachversicherung Gebäudewertermittlung mit Unterversicherungsverzicht Unfallversicherung
Irene Wittenhagen
Expert in property insurance and corporate business, free valuation of commercial real estate for waiver.
Experte für betriebliche Altersversorgung bAV private Vorsorge und geförderte Altersvorsorge Basisrente
Johannes Giechel

Specialist for company pension plans and private and subsidized pension plans.

Duale Student (m/w/d)

We offer a dual study place in the field of insurance / financial services.

Social Media Manager (m/w/d)

Support us in the area of social media and sales assistance. Apply here!

Teampartner (m/w/d)

Sales is fun! If you like working with people, you've come to the right place.

Our Mission - What is important to us

Unlike many of our competitors, our business success is based on highly satisfied customers who have been with us for many years and regularly recommend us to others. This is where our motto is rooted: Our promise is to provide the kind of advice you would only expect from your best friend: as open, honest and sometimes ruthlessly direct as necessary.

Our vision: Digital insurance consulting allover Germany

Our customers receive the highest quality advice regardless of their location. In future, we would like to gain more new customers through digital recommendations and social media. We are already very well known in the Lake Constance region, but Büro Hartmann is not yet known in the "rest of Germany". We want to change that - at least for customers who appreciate this type of advice and would like to receive digital advice.